| Rita Dear is a retired accountant and an avid fiction reader. When the current novels were too graphic for her tastes, she challenged herself to write a novel on an adult subject, without digressing to the details currently being published. She sat down at the computer, created a setting and some characters, and started writing. When she finished, she had a ten book series – with a possibility of more volumes.
She’s the first to admit that she found it difficult to circumvent the situations she’d found offensive in other books, but she did.
“In my novels, bedroom doors close and foul words are restricted to damn, hell, SOB and an occasional bastard." she said. "That may make my books too tame for the average reader, but it’s a pride point with me. My books have to stand or fall based on the story line. As a wife, mother and grandmother, I can do no less than maintain a writing standard that parallels my personal standards.” |