Eutopian Destiny - A Series of Novels by Rita Dear
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Joseph Morris, a highly specialized undercover INS agent, has been ordered to infiltrate the small town of Eutopian Springs, New Mexico. Acting as their newly-hired Baptist Preacher, he investigates allegations that a sex slave smuggling ring is operating in the area.
Eutopian Destiny is a series of books that follows Reverend Joseph Marsh on his journey.
Here you'll find the complete Eutopian Destiny series, filled with action, intrigue, romance and plot twists that will leave you begging for more.
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New Novels By Rita Dear
Morris Mansion
The first in the Eutopian Destiny Teen Series
Joseph Morris is the second son of a Baptist preacher and a wealthy heiress. His parents' obsession with their reputation in the community, reduces life inside their prestigious Boston mansion to a cold, austere existence enforced by harsh discipline.
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Tina, Vina, Bel
The Twelfth novel in the
Eutopian Destiny Series
Join Joseph Morris in the twelfth exciting novel in the Eutopian Destiny Series.
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Roxann - A Lady In A Chair
Using a wheelchair isn’t a problem for Roxann Thompson. Overcoming the social issues it creates is a constant challenge.
A recent move to Codeville, TX, makes her the new kid in school – again. She knows the reception she’ll get when she wheels into Greenbriar High.
But Greenbriar High doesn’t know the impact her arrival will have on them.
A Smart Ass Guide To Breast Cancer
A booklet that provides helpful information - along with a healthy dose of humor - to the thousands fighting breast cancer.
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Copyright ©
by Rita Dear.
No portion of these works may be shared, reproduced or republished without the express written consent of the author.